VET EX MACHINA LTD in collaboration with Cyprus University of Technology is developing an MRI-guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) robotic system for veterinary cancer applications. The final product will be applied in pets (dogs and cats) with naturally occurring cancer. This robotic system has the potential to be utilized in the future for brain, thyroid, breast, liver, kidney, fibroids, and bone cancer in humans. The main advantage of focused ultrasound is that the procedure is non-invasive and has no side effects (mechanical wave). The proposed device is portable to all commercially available MRI scanners. The proposed fast robotics and algorithms will reduce the length of time the animal lies within the machine and therefore it may work favourably to alleviate stress and make this treatment more attractive as well as possibly enable clinicians to treat increasingly larger tumours. The consortium develops a prototype robotic system, electronic system and software. The consortium has conducted extensive phantom and animal experiments with focused ultrasound. Our aim is to convert the prototype technology into a commercial product.

*The project is funded By the European Structural & Investment Funds (ESIF) and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) under the FUSVET (SEED/1221/0080).



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